How To: Tie & Switch A Lure Using PowerPro Line & Crankbait

The best way to tie on a lure or bait is a common debate among anglers. Being located in the Midwest, our knots are specific to freshwater rigs and the prospective line. My husband and I use braided line all open water season, but during hard water season, we use Mono. The difference in the line is an article for another day, though the way we tie on our lures depends mostly on which type of line we are using. For our braided fishing line, we use what is a called Palomar Knot (say that 10x fast and you will surely get tongue-tied!). The reason this knot is so great is that when tied properly, it is extremely close to being a 100% reliable knot. If you haven’t had an experience where a lure flies off your pole or pops off after one little tug you might not know the importance of having a well-tied knot. I have had that happen a time or two while out fishing. Moments like that can be extremely frustrating, especially if you just lost your favorite lure or had a fish on!
In our short video clip we run through How To Tie a Palomar Knot in real-time. As you see in the video, I had a hard time finding my scissors to cut the line, shortly after we shot this video we were introduced to an amazing invention and company called Line Cutterz. Line Cutterz creates double-bladed rings you can wear and flat mounts that go on your boat so that you can cut even the heaviest of lines. This is a HUGE game-changer when constantly changing lures or rigs while you’re fishing. We encourage you to check out our Line Cutterz selection in our “tackle collection” section on our Casting Queens website!